Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Walking in a Winter Wonderland

So a couple days ago me and my mom decided to go shopping. We needed a few things for supper and a deck of cards(it was family card night we ruined our other deck of cards). So we bought our stuff and decided it would be fun to go for a walk. So we drove over to st. Cecil de Vignes, parked the car and started walking around. We went into there little town and looked around. There wasn't much there to see and my mom had to pee, so we left. The next day we planned to go back to Grignan for the circus and then over to Brantes were there is a beautiful view of the mountain. But we woke up and blizzarding not snowing it was a blizzard. So we didn't do anything. Later that night though me and my mom went out and made a snowman and then for a walk and took pictures. Today was suppose to be another nothing because of the snow but in the afternoon we realized they had actually plowed the big roads so we decided to go out to get some food (just a couple things again). Before we left though we tallied up our Oscar picks to see who won. And for the second time in a row I was victorious winning 8 euros(actually 6 because we all put in 2). We then left for food. We got to the little town that we do our shopping(Toulette) and realized it was all closed because everything closes between 12:00 and 3:00 for lunch. So we drove the extra 20 minutes to Orange to walk around(It was on our go to list anyways). On the way there we saw an upside down car on the side of the road. Looked like had had been sitting there awhile. We think that the tow trucks there are just really slow. We got to Orange and walked around because they were closed too. We got back in our car and went to find an open grocery store.Everything was open now so the grocery store in Orange was open too. There we got a roasted chicken for supper and I found a drink called Gini. Since I am on a hunt for cool soft drink(That arn't in Canada) I decided to buy it. It was god awful. It was so bad, it was bitter and just disgusting. If you ever come across it, don't buy it. Then we it was off to Vaison-la-Romain because we were running short of Skippy peanut butter and they were the only place that has it. After that we headed home. We ate are roasted chicken (I dipped mine in my Chinese sauce) and now I am sitting here typing this(and being bored...just a little) Thank You for Readings

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